quarta-feira, setembro 16, 2009

Scott Reeder - Weaver's Dawn EP (2008)

Reeder: "I've been getting asked a lot what they sound like — had to think about it for a second... way more of a band vibe than most of my solo record, leaning toward the possibility of pulling something off live in the future.

'Weaver's Dawn' — ended up as kind of a Kyuss vibe with The Foggy Bottom singin'. Some of the vocals were done through tin cans strung together. Had room for some bass stretching out at the end...

'As We Become'... hard to describe. I'd imagine it would be like locking Dave Grohl, Jaz Coleman, David Gilmour and Adam Jones in a studio for a night, even though the next morning you'd probably find Jaz picking his teeth next to a big pile of bones! I recorded this one for the Missus to mark our 20th anniversary. Heavy. Sweet. Haunting.

The artwork is a photo by Alex Solca that's an outtake from the KYUSS 'Sky Valley' shoots. We each had our personal concept stuff we worked on that ended up being completely perfect now for 'Weaver's Dawn'." (via Blabbermouth.net).

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'As We Become'... hard to describe. I'd imagine it would be like locking Dave Grohl, Jaz Coleman, David Gilmour and Adam Jones in a studio for a night, even though the next morning you'd probably find Jaz picking his teeth next to a big pile of bones! I recorded this one for the Missus to mark our 20th anniversary. Heavy. Sweet. Haunting.

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'As We Become'... hard to describe. I'd imagine it would be like locking Dave Grohl, Jaz Coleman, David Gilmour and Adam Jones in a studio for a night, even though the next morning you'd probably find Jaz picking his teeth next to a big pile of bones! I recorded this one for the Missus to mark our 20th anniversary. Heavy. Sweet. Haunting.
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The School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) is a magnet arts school in Cincinnati, Ohio. SCPA was founded in 1973 as one of the first magnet schools in Cincinnati and became the first school in the country to combine a full range of arts studies with a complete college-preparatory academic program for elementary through high school students. The school rose to national prominence in the 1980s, but was nearly closed in the 1990s following a series of scandals, leadership struggles, and an arson fire which destroyed the auditorium. Its reputation recovered in the years that followed and in 2009–10, the school was featured in the MTV reality series Taking the Stage, filmed at the school and featuring SCPA students. In 2010 SCPA combined with the Schiel Primary School for Arts Enrichment to create the first kindergarten through twelfth grade arts school and first private sector / public arts school in the US. Students must audition for admission; fewer than 20 percent of those who apply each year are accepted. The newly combined school offers a curriculum designed to prepare

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A member of the Antonia clan (gens), Antony was born in the winter of 87-6 BC, or as late as 83, based on Plutarch's record of two traditions of his age at the time of his death in 30 BC.[2] The day and month of his birth are securely attested as 14 January.[3] He was the homonymous and thus presumably the eldest son of Marcus Antonius Creticus (praetor 74 BC), grandson of the great Marcus Antonius Orator (consul 99 BC, censor 97-6 BC) who had been murdered and decapitated in the Marian Terror of winter 87-6 BC.
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The Church's power was further weakened by the Protestant Reformation (1517–1648), initially sparked by the works of German theologian Martin Luther, a result of the lack of reform within the Church. The Reformation also damaged the Holy Roman Empire's power, as German princes became divided between Protestant and Roman Catholic faiths.[75] This eventually led to the Thirty Years War (1618–1648), which crippled the Holy Roman Empire and devastated much of Germany, killing between 25 and 40 percent of its population.
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Eurogamer praised everything about Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, giving it a 10/10, and particularly noted the maturity of the story: "One mission sees Ezio disrupting an assassination attempt in the ruins of the Roman Colosseum during a play about the death of Jesus Christ. It demands a developer of poise and compassion to wield such thorny concepts deftly, and it's a measure of Ubisoft Montreal's maturity that it is more than equal to the challenge...Brotherhood builds an intriguing mystery around compelling characters, surrounds them with collectibles and secrets, and encourages play – and nothing feels out of place."
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Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site
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On October 24, 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million, giving Facebook a total implied value of around $15 billion.[43] Microsoft's purchase included rights to place international ads on Facebook.[44] In October 2008, Facebook announced that it would set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.[45] In September 2009, Facebook said that it had turned cash-flow positive for the first time.[46] In November 2010, based on SecondMarket Inc.,
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List of acquisitions by Facebook. On November 15, 2010, Facebook announced it had acquired the domain name fb.com from the American Farm Bureau Federation for an undisclosed amount. On January 11, 2011, the Farm Bureau disclosed $8.5 million in "domain sales income", making the acquisition of FB.com one of the ten highest domain sales in history
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Also that month, Peter Moore, former president of Sega of America, joined Microsoft. On August 12, 2003, ATI signed on to produce the graphic processing unit for the new console, a deal which was publicly announced two days later. Before the launch of the Xbox 360, several Alpha development kits were spotted using Apple's Power Mac G5 hardware. This was because the system's PowerPC 970 processor running the same PowerPC architecture
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Xbox 360 S consoles feature redesigned internal architecture with the Valhalla motherboard, which allows for around 30% more space than previous motherboards,[31] and the XCGPU, an integrated CPU/GPU/eDRAM chip using a 45 nm fabrication process.[32] This allows them to be both smaller and quieter than the previous versions of the Xbox 360. They also feature five standard USB 2.0 ports (two more than previous models) and an additional custom USB port for use with peripherals such as the Kinect sensor.
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The XF-85 was a response to a United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) requirement for a fighter to be carried within the Northrop XB-35 and B-36, then under development. This was to address the limited range of existing interceptor aircraft compared to the greater range of new bomber designs. The XF-85 was a diminutive jet aircraft featuring a distinctive egg-shaped fuselage and a forked-tail stabilizer design.
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Notable exceptions are the F-101, F-102 and F-106 interceptor aircraft, all of which had bays used to store missiles, or other weapons stores.

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Constant but gentle adjustments of throttle and trim were necessary to overcome the cushioning effect.After three attempts to hook onto the trapeze, Schoch miscalculated his approach and struck the trapeze so violently that the canopy was smashed and ripped free and his helmet and mask were torn off. He saved the prototype by making a belly landing on the reinforced skid at the dry lake bed at Muroc. All flight testing was suspended for seven weeks while the XF-85 was repaired and modified.
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[63] It included a wireless controller, composite AV cable, HDMI 1.2 output, a 256 MB memory unit and 5 Xbox Live Arcade titles:[66] Boom Boom Rocket, Feeding Frenzy, Luxor 2, Pac-Man Championship Edition, and Uno on a single disk, which also included a "Welcome Video" and several game trailers/demos.[67] Like its predecessor the "Core", it did not include a hard disk drive, which is required for Xbox software backwards compatibility.
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Like the Thunderjet, the Thunderstreak excelled at cruise and had predictable handling characteristics within its performance envelope. Like its predecessor, it also suffered from accelerated stall pitch-up and potential resulting separation of wings from the airplane. In addition, spins in the F-84F were practically unrecoverable and ejection was the only recourse below 10,000 feet (3,000 m).An Ohio Air National Guard F-84F in the late 1960s.
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Other than the unique "Spartan green-and-gold" color scheme, exclusive dashboard theme and downloads, and an HDMI port,its features were identical to those of the Xbox 360 system at the time.It is priced at US$399.99 and £279.99 (the original price of the Xbox 360).To promote The Simpsons Movie, Microsoft created a specially designed, yellow Xbox 360 console.The configuration was based on the Xbox 360 package of the time, the only difference being the color scheme of the Xbox 360 console and wireless controller.
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The main unit of the Xbox 360 itself has slight double concavity in matte white or black. The official color of the white model is Arctic Chill. It features a port on the top when vertical (left side when horizontal) to which a custom-housed hard drive unit can be attached in sizes of either 20, 60, 120 or 250 GB. Inside, the Xbox 360 uses the triple-core IBM designed Xenon as its CPU, with each core capable of simultaneously processing two threads, and can therefore operate on up to six threads at once. Graphics processing is handled by the ATI Xenos, which has 10 MB of eDRAM.
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In response, Apple Inc. started using and popularizing the .m4a filename extension, which is used for MP4 containers with audio data in the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) or its own Apple Lossless (ALE, ALAC) formats. Software capable of audio/video playback should recognize files with either .m4a or .mp4 filename extensions, as would be expected, as there are no file format differences between the two. Most software capable of creating MPEG-4 audio will allow the user to choose the filename extension of the created MPEG-4 files.
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A simplified version of it was also accessible at any time via the Xbox Guide button on the gamepad. This simplified version showed the user's gamercard, Xbox Live messages and friends list. It also allowed for personal and music settings, in addition to voice or video chats, or returning to the Xbox Dashboard from the game.On November 19, 2008, the Xbox 360's dashboard was changed from the "Blade" interface, to a dashboard reminiscent of that present on the Zune and Windows Media Center, known as the "New Xbox Experience" or NXE.Since the console's release
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Many third-party players exist for various platforms such as Linux that use the FFmpeg implementation of the WMV codecs.On the Macintosh platform, Microsoft released a PowerPC version of Windows Media Player for Mac OS X in 2003,[20] but further development of the software has ceased. Microsoft currently endorses the 3rd party Flip4Mac WMV
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Users may play back their own music while playing games or using the dashboard, and can play music with an interactive visual synthesizer. Music, photos and videos can be played from standard USB mass storage devices, Xbox 360 proprietary storage devices (such as memory cards or Xbox 360 hard drives), and servers or computers with Windows Media Center or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher within the local-area network in streaming mode.
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Traveling through the portal, the humans and Elites discover an immense artificial structure known as the Ark, far beyond the edges of the Milky Way galaxy. Here, Truth can remotely activate all the Halos. The Flood arrive en masse aboard High Charity and begin infesting the installation. Truth captures Johnson, as he needs a human to use Forerunner technology. Keyes is killed attempting a rescue, and Johnson is forced to activate the rings.
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The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade. The organization officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments.
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Against this history, Mr. Santorum has benefited both from his personal qualities and broader demographical and theological shifts within the evangelical community. As a

Anônimo disse...

harlots” and “this mother-child cult.” The Lutheran synod that Representative Michele Bachmann, who ran for president this time around, belongs to states in its doctrines that “the papacy is the Antichrist.”

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Walter Dellinger, who was acting solicitor general in the Clinton administration, said he was worried about “the enormous endurance challenge this will be for Verrilli and Clement.” Mr. Dellinger, who has argued more than 20 cases in the Supreme Court, said making even a single 30-minute presentation is draining.
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